
又名:A Pair of White Gloves


主演:Henri Desfontaines Marguerite  

导演:Albert Capellani 





Plot Summary:A prosperous looking young man arrives at a hotel, and after being assigned to a room, makes a most elaborate toilet before going out in search of diversion. When he is ready to depart, however, he discovers that he is in need of a pair of white gloves to complete his immaculate appearance. So, going to the telephone, he calls up a shop and orders a pair, and soon a young lady appears on the scene ready to fit him. As she is about to fasten one of the gloves, the button snaps, but this is soon remedied, for she has a needle and thread handy, and after sewing another one on, takes her departure. The young man then goes forth in a most felicitous frame of mind and is driven to a select café, where he sits down to enjoy a good dinner. As he glances about him at the other diners he recognizes a female acquaintance sitting at the next table. He sees that she recognizes him, so he takes out a piece of paper and writes her a note, asking her to meet him that evening near the club. The girl ...
