Plot Summary:Hector lives in an isolated mountain in the nearest town, who has led a lifetime of loneliness and before, of brutality and more primal instincts. A landowner wants to buy all the land to develop the area but Héctor refuses to sell. The pact that the landowner makes with a neighbor to force Héctor to sell leads him to the resurrection of the real and imaginary ghosts of his life in an unsuspected escalation of terror.
长塚京三,仲村亨,谷原章介,平山绫 Aya Girayama,大森南朋 Nao Omari,酒井美纪,洼冢俊介,伊藤裕子,西田尚美,床嶋佳子,吹越满,佐藤蓝子,石井正则,佐藤惠,田中幸太朗,上原美佐,金子贤 Ken Kaneki,谷村美月,小清水一挥,朝加真由美,田中实,长谷川初范,和田聪宏,前田健 Ken Made,小野寺昭,佐藤詩音,松尾れい子,藤井香织,森次晃嗣,寺泉宪,木下邦家,円城寺あや,田中要次,大岛蓉子,一色彩子