

主演:Soha Ali Khan Shayan Munshi Ab 

导演:Shivam Nair 





Plot Summary:For a fee of Rs.200/- Ankush Ramdev acted as one among four witnesses to couples who come to register their marriages at the Registrar of Marriages in Dariyaganj, Delhi. One day he comes across a single woman from Nainital and offers his services, but the girl tells him that she is waiting for her to-be groom, Dheeraj Ansaria. At the end of the day, when he does not show up, Ankush feels sorry for her, Megha Joshi, and offers to assist her until he gets back. They spend the night at a Dargah, and then go to wait for Dheeraj, who does not show. A penniless and tearful Megha now asks Ankush to help, he helps her again, and falls in love with her, so much so that he considers learning English and re-locating to Bombay. Then he comes across a young man, who later identifies himself as Dheeraj, who is desperately looking for his bride-to-be. Watch what Ankush does or does not do to assist Dheeraj.
Ankush是一个孤儿,在婚姻登记办公室冒充见证人谋生。一天早上,他遇见了正在等待未婚夫Dheeraj的新娘Megha Joshi。当新郎没有出现时,居丧的Megha无处可去,因为她是从家里跑出来的。好心的Ankush决定帮助她,并最终在敬老院为她找到了一份工作。Ankush的生活开始有了起色,甚至还找到一份好工作。但当爱情正要向两人袭来时,Dheeraj重新走进了Megha的生活,把一切事情拖向混乱。
