荒城底特律Detroit, ville sauvage(2010)

又名:狂野底特律 / Detroit Wild City



导演:Florent Tillon 





Plot Summary:The automobile industry jump-started Detroit's prolific rise and helped turn it into the most industrialized city in the United States. But drastic changes in American demographics & culture have upended the once prosperous city, leaving it in partial ruins. Today, vast urban prairies, populated with a diverse array of wildlife including falcon, deer, and coyote, have replaced what once had been working- and middle-class neighborhoods. Now, an unexpected turn of events has created a 'blank canvas' environment where young people and urban farmers are moving back into the ruined neighborhoods of old Detroit. Are these folks a new kind of pioneer? Could this be a way in which American's urban areas are being "rediscovered"? The film contains interviews and appearances by a number of Detroiters, including a fix-it man, and urban farmer, a photographer & urban explorer, a bar owner, a lifelong resident, and a self-professed "monk", who together illustrate & narrate the story of the city's ...
Derelict houses lining empty streets in the centre of town, abandoned by more than half the population, where you’re more likely to come across pitbulls than cars – welcome to modern-day Detroit. Yet in the past Detroit was a proud city, as captured in the archive footage in this spellbinding documentary by French director Florent Tillon.
