
又名:Madan no Ou to Senki (Vanadis) / Lord Marksman and Vanadis

主演:石川界人 户松遥 上坂堇 井口裕香 伊濑茉莉也 茅野爱衣  

导演:佐藤龙雄 渡部高志 羽原久美子 安田贤司 浅野胜也 玉川达文 





Plot Summary:Set in Western Europe during times of war, Eleanor "Ellen" Vertalia, one of the Vanadis of Zhcted, leads the battle into Brune. There are, in fact, seven Vanadis, each having received a powerful weapon from the Black Dragon to reign over one of Zhcted's seven territories. The power of the Vanadis invokes dread and fear in their enemies. An earl in the service of the country of Brune, a young archer by the name of Tigre, experiences the Vanadis's power firsthand after being defeated on the battlefield by Ellen. However, Ellen chooses to spare his life after witnessing his skills, but in exchange, he is asked to serve her.
吉斯塔特王国由七名天赋异禀的战姬守护,她们持有拥有着强大力量的“龙具”,在战场上奋勇拼杀,令敌人们闻风丧胆。堤格尔(石川界人 配音)是布鲁奈王国的贵族少年,在布鲁奈王王国和吉斯塔特王国的交战之中,堤格尔邂逅了七战姬之一的艾丽(户松遥 配音),尽管堤格尔出色的射术令艾丽刮目相看,但他还是败在了艾丽的手上。   让堤格尔没有想到的是,艾丽竟然将自己带往了吉斯塔特王国,在那里,堤格尔遇见了另外六名战姬。恪尽职守的柳德米拉(伊濑茉莉也 配音)、柔情似水的索菲亚(茅野爱衣 配音)、临危不乱的亚历珊德拉(小松未可子 配音)、桀骜不驯的伊丽莎白(小林优 配音)、体弱多病的瓦伦媞娜(原田瞳 配音)、人小鬼大的奥陆嘉,在这些骁勇善战的勇者们的包围下,会有怎样的故事等待着堤格尔呢?
