

主演:中島知子 寺島しのぶ 小野武彦 

导演:雨宮望 長沼誠 





Plot Summary:34-year-old Miyuki is a traditional Japanese housewife, with her \"salaryman\" husband and a son. Although she believes her dream has come true, she secretly feels unsatisfied with the fact her life completely depends on her husband. Sumiko, Miyuki's childhood friend, is a single woman who has recently been promoted to a manager at a huge corporation. With her high salary, she doesn't rely on anybody, but she hasn't been romantically involved for some time, and begins to feel anxious about living life alone. Yu is just about to turn thirty, but still depends on her father and lives at his home as a \"parasite single.\" She cannot figure out what she really wants to do or who she really wants to be. One day, Miyuki meets an old lady whom she is nursing as her part-time job. Just before passing away, the lady signs over the deed to a beach house to Miyuki. The old lady turns out to be Yu's grandmother. Initially, Miyuki has no idea what she should do with the beach house, but after being encouraged by Sumiko, whom she reunites with after twenty years, Miyuki finally decides to run it as a business. Sumiko and Yu also join as business partners, but each of them has a totally different idea for the house and the situation between them increasingly worsens.
『おとなの夏休み』(おとなのなつやすみ)は、日本テレビで2005年7月6日~9月7日に水曜ドラマ(22時)で放送された連続テレビドラマである。全10回。(視聴率的に低迷し、1回短縮された。)   30代の主婦・琴原みゆき(寺島しのぶ)が、突然主婦業をやめて、親友でありライバルでもある寿美子(中島知子=オセロ)、優(中越典子)とともに三浦海岸に海の家を開き、時に対立しながらも自分自身の新しい生き方像を見つけ出す。
