

主演:Florence La Badie Harry Benham 






Plot Summary:A meek, mild Baron, with one motherless daughter, married again, and his second choice was an unlucky one. For not only did the woman browbeat her husband and make his life unhappy, but she beat and ill-treated poor little Cinderella, and made her a servant. The cruel stepmother had two daughters of her own, who were given every luxury, and they aided their mother to make the life of their stepsister very sad indeed. The King's son gave a grand ball, and the Baron and his family were among the invited guests. But when Cinderella wanted to go, she was cuffed and jeered at, and told that she must stay in the kitchen, her proper place, so the stepmother said. Little Cinderella helped the others to get ready for their night of enjoyment, and then sat in the kitchen alone in her rags. Really no one could blame her if she cried. Fortunately for the poor child she had a Fairy Godmother, but up to this time she had never been in evidence. But the Fairy Godmother, who had been keeping an eye ...
A young woman forced into servitude by her family gets more than she bargained for when her fairy godmother magically permits her to go to the royal ball.
