
主演:泽村一树 和久井映见 樱田日和 二宫庆多 伊藤和枝 六角精儿 






Plot Summary:Tajima lives happily with his wife Keiko, their daughter Mika and son Ryota in Tokyo. But one day, Keiko is found to have end-stage cancer and she passes away in a mere three months. Keiko was the sunshine of the family. Now that she is gone, there is a gaping hole in their hearts. Tajima tries to live as if nothing has changed and force smiles, but he soon realizes that it is impossible. Then one day, his children suggest that they go to Kibougaoka, the town where Keiko grew up, and make a trip down memory lane. They end up making their way to Keiko's vacant old house. Tajima instinctively asks if they would like to live there. Mika and Ryota agree. And so, the Tajimas begin a new life at Kibougaoka, but.
居住在东京都内的田岛(泽村一树 饰)原本和妻子圭子(和久井映见 饰)拥有快乐和美的生活,正上中学的女儿美嘉(樱田日和 饰)与就读小学的儿子亮太(二宫庆多 饰)乖巧可爱,为田岛家增添了无数的喜悦。谁知命运之神开了一个可怕的玩笑,圭子被诊断患有癌症,在人间所剩时光无几。痛彻心扉的告别之后,圭子独自前往另一个国度,只留下三个至亲之人沉浸在悲痛中无法自拔。为了不要忘记圭子,田岛向孩子们提议,举家搬到妈妈少女时代曾经住过的社区希望之丘。在那里,田岛一家遇到了圭子的同学、初恋、师长,在时间的尘埃中,寻找着妻子、妈妈的影子……   本片根据重松清的同名原作改编。
