卡罗巴:爱情生意Karobaar: The Business of Love(2000)


主演:玖熹·查瓦拉 亚尼·卡普 里希·卡普尔 Tinnu Anan 






Plot Summary:Wealthy Rajiv Sinha and middle-classed Amar Saxena are two childhood friends, with similar likes, and tastes. Their similar habits lead them to being in love with the same woman - Seema, who loves Amar, and is willing to marry him no matter what. Rajiv attempts to offer money to Sapna's guardian so that he can marry her, in vain though. When Rajiv attempts to convince Amar that Sapna is being brought up by a prostitute by the name of Ratnabai, Amar is adamant, and marries Sapna, and takes her home to his brother and his family, where they are not welcomed, and asked to leave. Rajiv and Amar stop seeing each other, and regard each other as bitter enemies. Amar and Seema manage to exist, with Amar going on to become a successful prosecution attorney. Then they get the news that Rajiv has been charged with killing a young woman named Neelam Mehta. Amar is delighted for he will be given a chance to teach Rajiv a lesson, and possibly sentence him to death. During the trial, Rajiv's only ...
富有的拉吉夫·辛哈(Rajiv Sinha)和中产阶级的阿玛尔·萨克森纳(Amar Saxena)是儿时的朋友,有着相似的喜好和品味。他们相似的习惯使他们爱上了同一个女人——西玛,西玛爱着阿玛,无论如何都愿意嫁给他。拉吉夫试图给Sapna的监护人钱以便娶她,但徒劳无功。当拉吉夫试图说服阿玛尔,Sapna是由一个名叫Ratnabai的妓女抚养长大的,阿玛尔很坚持,并嫁给了Sapna,并把她带到他的兄弟和家人家里,在那里他们不受欢迎,并要求离开。拉吉夫和阿玛尔不再见面,把对方视为死敌。阿玛和西玛设法生存下来,阿玛后来成为一名成功的检察律师。然后他们得到消息,拉吉夫被指控杀害了一名名叫Neelam Mehta的年轻女子。阿玛尔很高兴,因为他将有机会给拉吉夫一个教训,并可能判处他死刑。审判期间,拉吉夫唯一的…
