Plot Summary:The morning after Kimberly blows up the Melrose apartment complex, everyone is in the hospital suffering from some form of injury. Alison is temporarily flash-blinded and Billy postpones his honeymoon with Brooke to move back into his ruined apartment to support Alison. Richard Hart, who's wife was killed in the blast (and the only fatality), is comforted by an unusually callous Jane who proposes to continue business at the company as usual. Meanwhile, Kimberly is arrested and is so bewildered that she can't remember anything about the bombing the night before, while Peter prevents Michael from sending her to a county psychiatry ward in order to take care of her himself. Jake wakes up in the hospital after surviving the fall and is hurt with the news that Jess did not, leading him to take out his frustrations on Jo. In jail, Matt contacts his parents for help in facing a murder trial and they hire Alycia Barnett, a professional criminal lawyer, to help him. But unfortunately for Matt,...