赤脚营Το ξυπόλητο τάγμα(1953)

又名:To xypolyto tagma / The Barefoot Battalion


主演:Stavros Krozos Ketty Gyni Apos 

导演:Gregg C. Tallas 





Plot Summary:In a poverty-stricken post-World-War-II Thessaloniki that is struggling to get back on its feet, a young man, Dimitris, catches in the act of stealing a wallet the homeless street urchin, Stavros. Intent on lending the boy a helping hand--and almost ten years after the end of the war--Dimitris recounts the powerful and heart-warming story of the nearly one hundred sixty orphans who were expelled from the city's orphanage by the Nazis, during the German occupation of Greece. They were the reputed "Barefoot Battalion", a proud and close-knit pack of disciplined orphaned boys, who took their lives into their own hands, every time they stripped a German truck of its food and medicine, to aid the Resistance and the multitudes of the town's impoverished people. To them, stealing was an art, and a grave necessity; nevertheless, now that the war is finally over, what is Stavros' excuse?
一对孤儿兄妹为维生行窃,加入了由孩子组成的“游击团体”——赤脚营,从德国人那里偷取食物。他们帮助战火中的贫穷人民,也为战争正义一方工作。   影片以倒叙方式回述二战被占领期间希腊的一段往事。贫瘠残缺的现实社会生活中,有人性闪光的事迹与精神。
