

主演:榎木孝明 AKIRA 白石美帆 葛山信吾 竜雷太 






Plot Summary:1862 present day Kagoshima, Japan. A lone upstart sweet potato farmer named Nakamura Hanjiro (played by Tataaki Enoki) seeks an audience with the Satsuma Domain military Commander Saigo Takamori to present him with the gift of sweet potatoes. His ulterior motive was to be given the opportunity to demonstrate his sword skills in hopes that he could be made a Samurai. Impressed, Saigo grants his wish and sends him to Kyoto to join other Satsuma Samurai in their quest to overthrow the Tokugawa Shogunate. Nakamura quickly distinguishes himself with his lethal sword skills defeating scores of pro-Shogunate Shinsengumi forces and ultimately rises to the rank of general in the new Japanese Imperial Army. But years following the end of the Boshin War that toppled the Tokugawa Shogunate, Saigo Takamori is unhappy with the policies of New Meiji Government. Saigo resigns his post as military commander and returns to Satsuma. Philosophically united, Nakamura Hanjiro joins with other officers and ...
薩摩の武士である中村半次郎は西郷吉之助に願い出て上京。剣の腕を見込まれまた大らかな人柄から、長州藩士の鮎川小次郎や薩摩藩士の永山弥一郎などが彼に魅了され、また村田屋の娘さとにも想いを通わせる。   戊辰戦争で薩摩軍を幕府軍から勝利を勝ち取り、明治政府の陸軍少将まで上り詰めた(中村半次郎改め)桐野利秋であったが、権力闘争に敗れた西郷隆盛と共に薩摩へと帰郷する。故郷で開墾に励む利秋であったが、政府への不満で暴発する青年たちを見捨てられなかった利秋は新政府に反旗を翻した…。
