普林西佩 第二季El Príncipe(2015)

主演:亚历克斯·冈萨雷斯 伊巴·阿布克 何塞·科罗纳多 鲁本·科尔 


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普林西佩 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Six months after leaving Ceuta, Morey remains obsessed with the death of Abdu, while the CNI obtains evidence accusing Khaled after detecting in Malta the presence of a man related to Hakim. The young intelligence agent returns clandestinely to Ceuta, where he is reunited with Fatima. Convinced that the terrorist cell Akrab is still active and that Khaled plans an attack, Morey asks for help from Fran, who has lost the support of his superiors due to a bloody war between rival gangs. While in El Príncipe, Fatima seems happily married while her husband Khaled has become the great benefactor of the neighborhood.
