The Egyptian Mummy(1914)



导演:Lee Beggs 

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Plot Summary:Simply because he is poor, Dick is not wanted as a prospective son-in-law by Professor Hicks, a scientist seeking the recipe for the elixir of life. He finally discovers the combination of chemicals, and wild with delight, advertises for a mummy to try it on. Dick sees the ad, and he gets Tim, a tramp, to agree to pose as the mummy, and with the aid of the landlady's son, the hobo is soon swathed in bandage-like wrappings, painted and decorated so that he resembles a mummy. A coffin is procured, then Dick sends word to Professor Hicks that he has a mummy for sale at $5,000. The latter delightedly buys it on the spot. Dick at once invests in stock at the suggestions of a friend, tells Eva, the Professor's daughter, and awaits results. Hicks fills up a big syringe with the elixir of life and jabs it into Tim. The tramp mummy certainly comes to life, and unmistakably proves it by chasing Professor Hicks round and round the room. Finally, the latter, after many bruises, escapes out the ...
