飞越情海 第三季Melrose Place(1994)

主演:朱茜·比赛特 托马斯·卡拉布罗 劳拉·雷顿 道格·萨文特  


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飞越情海 第三季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In San Francisco, Alison encourages Meredith to press charges against their father who is stalking them. Billy learns where Alison is after a talk with her mother and arrives at Meredith's apartment and fights off the sinister Mr. Parker who threatens both of his daughters. When Alison returns to LA and tells Billy of her intention to sue her father for emotional damages, Billy leaves her for good. Meanwhile, Michael wakes up in the hospital with amnesia and can't tell who ran him over, while Jane gets arrested as a suspect and tries to secure her release by placing the blame on Sydney. But the real culprit is Kimberly who places the blond wig she wore that day while driving Jane's car in Sydney's apartment and tips the police about it. After Jake breaks up with Amanda, he saves a woman named Brittany from drowning in the marina and they get close fast.
