Plot Summary:A Single Woman is a distinct, lively portrait of Jeannette Rankin (the first American woman elected to Congress; also a suffragist, peace activist and reformer) that takes us from her childhood in 1880's Montana, to her last television interview in 1972. Deliciously political, occasionally chilling, ironic and idiosyncratic, A Single Woman illuminates the role of the individual in the American legislative process with a whimsical amalgamation of storytelling, high-powered discourse and communion. The program is a filmed version of the successful stage play.
珍妮特·兰琦(Jeannette Rankin)是美国历史上第一位进入国会的女性。生于1880年6月11日的兰琦,由于被选入参议院,因此又被尊称为“国会妇人”(Lady of the House)。她是一位反战主义者,在第一次和第二次世界大战时都投了反对票。 本片将讲述这位单身女性传奇的一生。 注:截止到本片添加到豆瓣(2009.2.6),本片已结束拍摄。