Plot Summary:Norma Besant, daughter of a Southern doctor, is an incorrigible flirt and has many boys on her string. She begins to favor Michael Jeffrey, who, shiftless and hot-tempered but fundamentally honorable, is warned off by her father. When Michael returns after a long absence, the pair are innocently compromised, and Dr. Besant's old-South paternal rage brings tragedy.
玛丽·碧克馥,亨利·B·沃斯奥,Francis J. Grandon,凯特·布鲁斯,W. Chrystie Miller,Dorothy Bernard,Gertrude Claire,罗伯特·哈伦,戴尔·亨德森,梅·马什,Anthony O'Sullivan,Frank Opperman,杰克·皮克福德,马克·森内特,Charles West
玛丽·碧克馥,马克·森内特,George Nichols,凯特·布鲁斯,William J. Butler,Charles Craig,爱德华·狄龙,John T. Dillon,Frank Evans,Francis J. Grandon,Joseph Graybill,亨利·莱尔曼,W. Chrystie Miller,Anthony O'Sullivan,Alfred Paget