你情我愿S&M SALLY(2015)



导演:Michelle Ehlen 





Plot Summary:When Jamie finds out her girlfriend Jill has spent time exploring BDSM, her insecurities about falling behind in the bedroom push her to propose that they start going to underground clubs. Jamie decides to use the pseudonym Sally so she can stay anonymous but still look like she's using her real name, which apparently she thinks makes her look cool. Identifying as the butch one in a traditional butch/femme couple, "Sally" assumes she will take the dominant role in their escapades, with Jill as her submissive, but Jill has ideas of her own. Meanwhile, their friends Lola and David start dating the polyamorous bisexual Sebastian, who proposes to have a threesome. They quickly agree without planning to follow through, expecting the other one to back out first. A provocative and hilarious ride, S&M Sally details the unexpected journey that happens when your insecurities push you outside of your comfort zone, leading you down a path for which there is no going back.
女同志电影《洁米的五十道阴影》:BDSM实验教室 & 多重伴侣考验   洁米与吉儿从不欢而散到重新开始,现在更进一步同居生活,两人的关系更加亲密,此时,浸淫于幸福之中的洁米感到一丝不安:「如果我们生活乏味了,该怎么办?人在幸福顶端时,总是担心走下坡......洁米使出浑身解数,一定要找出维持幸福的秘诀!   ——橘里橘气字幕组 &沙鸥Larus字幕组
