文兰俱乐部Le club Vinland(2020)


主演:塞巴斯蒂安·理查德 雷米·吉拉德 弗朗索瓦·帕皮诺 Fabi 






Plot Summary:Winter 1949. An exceptional teacher, highly devoted to the development of his students, Brother Jean has long been the figurehead of a school for boys in Charlevoix, Québec. Adulated by the young students and supported by the school's director, Brother Jean exercises a broad leadership and isn't hesitant to employ unusual educational methods (borrowed from theatre, cinema, scientific research...) to bolster his teaching. A passionate amateur archaeologist, Brother Jean advances a theory that Vikings were established a thousand years earlier along the coast of the St. Lawrence River - the famous Vinland of Norwegian sagas. Although the higher ranks of the congregation sometimes find his methods a tad too inventive, his noticeable success with the young people has earned him the freedom to conduct his research as he pleases. But the arrival of a new student - Émile, a troubled 13-year-old - soon upsets the delicate arrangement. Determined to convince his superiors that he can prevent ...
