心灵之塔The Round Tower(1999)


主演:艾米莉娅·福克斯 本·迈尔斯 基思·巴伦 

导演:Alan Grint 





Plot Summary:Set in mid-1950's England, this story tells of the wealthy, socially upwardly-progressive Ratcliffe family. Their youngest daughter, seventeen year old Vanessa, feels alienated from her selfish parents, who are more interested in their eldest daughter's upcoming marriage into one of their town's old families. An old friend of the family, who is himself trapped in a loveless marriage, makes love to Vanessa one night, and she becomes pregnant, but won't reveal who the father is. Her parents are sure it is an employee of the Ratcliffe's, Angus Cotton, who hotly denies this and quits his job to go and start his own business. Vanessa ends up leaving home, and when Angus hears of the poor conditions she's living in in a Newcastle skid-row neighbourhood, he offers to marry her and she accepts.
故事背景是1950年代中期的英格兰。Ratcliffe是一户富有的人家,正一步步挤入上流社会。家中的小女儿,17岁的Vanessa感到与父母十分疏离,因为父母的心思一心在大女儿的婚事上。他们的大女儿将要嫁入镇上的一户世家。   Ratcliffe家有一位深受婚姻折磨的老邻居。一天晚上,Vanessa在花园里安慰这个老邻居,却糊里糊涂与他发生了关系,以致怀孕。她拒绝说出对方的名字。她的父母深信孩子的父亲是他们的一个雇员Angus,后者自然强烈否认,并且辞职,经营起自己的生意。   Vanessa离开了她的家庭,住进了纽卡斯尔的一个贫民窟。Angus听说后,找到了她,并向她求婚。因为早在Vanessa父母手下做工的时候,他就开始暗恋她了。Vanessa接受了他的求婚。   他们的生活在误解与包容中开始了。
