原子能僵尸Electric Zombies(2006)


主演:Nicole Ashmore Trudy Lynn Barr 

导演:John Specht 





Plot Summary:Cult horror director John Specht's low-budget feature, "Electric Zombies," neatly cobbles together two disparate genres: the conspiracy thriller and the horror/slasher movie. It also comments sardonically on the post-9/11 fear of the U.S. government-gone-haywire, as it recounts the tale of a misguided federal project to brainwash "enemies of the state" via cell-phone signals. The signals inadvertently grow in power and become redirected to the U.S., turning unsuspecting civilians into super-obedient zombies whenever their cell phones are answered. They receive self-destructive orders, which they follow will-lessly -- orders running the gamut from self-mutilation to suicide to homicide to riot. Those who manage to escape from falling prey to the menace must find a way to stop the threat -- before the U.S. erupts into unchecked anarchy.
邪教恐怖片导演约翰·斯佩克特(John Specht)的低预算电影《电僵尸》巧妙地将两种截然不同的类型拼凑在一起:阴谋惊悚片和恐怖片/惊悚片。 它还对9/11以后对美国政府的混乱局面的恐惧发表了讽刺的评论,因为它叙述了一个错误的联邦项目的故事,该项目通过手机信号洗净“国家敌人”。 这些信号在无意间增大了功率,并被重定向到美国,每当接听手机时,毫无戒心的平民就会变成超级顺从的僵尸。 他们收到自我毁灭性的命令,他们会不情愿地遵循这些命令-从自残到自杀,杀人,杀人再到暴动的命令。 那些设法摆脱猛烈威胁的人必须在美国爆发不受控制的无政府状态之前找到阻止威胁的方法。
