欧洲24小时:下一代24H Europe: The Next Generation(2019)







Plot Summary:It does not look good for Europe. The great visionary project of the post-war era is on the brink of a precipice. The dream of open borders, a single market, a European government, a continent united in peace seems a distant memory. Instead, Brussels has become a synonym for the governance of bureaucracy, out of touch with the people and without democratic control. Some see the Euro as a bottomless pit, others as a self-service counter. Brexit, the state of affairs in the Ukraine,and the border wall might be the final nail in the coffin. Really, though? Europe's future is below the age of 30. Adolescents and young adults who live in absurd times. The young generation used to present the majority of the population and thus had the power to transform society. Now they are the minority. They are expected to shape the future yet they can be outvoted any time by their elders. The market economy upgrades its operating system, information is the new gold standard and data handling is the new...
