包厘街八哥Bowery Bugs(1949)


主演:Mel Blanc 

导演:Arthur Davis 





Plot Summary:Bugs Bunny tells an old man the story of Steve Brodie, who jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge in 1886 and survived. Brodie was a down-on-his luck gambler, who decided to get himself a rabbit's foot for good luck. Happening upon Bugs, Brodie is instead convinced by the cagey rabbit that he needs a different type of good luck charm. Unfortunately for Brodie, each suggestion by Bugs results in more bad lack for the Irishman. Finally driven crazy by the site of Bugs in so many disguises, the goofy gambler takes his plunge off the bridge. At the end the old man, satisfied by the story, agrees to buy the Brooklyn Bridge from Bugs!
在一个阳光明媚、万里无云的日子里,我们的动画明星兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)竟然摇身一变充当起了导游。此时此刻他站在著名的布鲁克林大桥旁,为一位老者讲解大桥的历史。老人问起跳桥而死的斯蒂芬•布鲁迪和大桥的关系,于是兔八哥带着观众回到很久以前的过去。当时的斯蒂芬还是个一文不名的小混子,他突发奇想要找一只兔子,说干就干,他骑着车来到郊外,好死不死见到了古灵精怪的兔八哥,由此开始了他被兔子戏耍乃至最终跳桥的厄运……
