

主演:Adam Thomas John Trenter J. La 

导演:Adam Thomas Huddleston 





Plot Summary:Schmitty's (Adam Huddleston) life hasn't worked out for him. He hates his job, his car died, his girlfriend left him, and he spends his weekends drinking himself into oblivion. To cheer him up his buddy Jim (J Lalonde) drags him to a cocktail party at their pal Guy's sprawling country house, with nothing around for miles...except an abandoned cemetery. Guy (Greg Hewett) has invited everyone he knows... unfortunately that's only about 8 or 9 dudes. With no alternative but to consume brain-deadening quantities of alcohol, they drink the night away. Morning comes, and with it a crushing headache, as well as a straggler from last night's party, the irritable Mixon (John Trenter), who demands a ride home, and NOW!!!! The power is out, the phones are dead and it's just then that the boys discover they are not alone...
施密蒂(亚当·哈德斯顿)的生活对他来说还算不上。 他讨厌自己的工作,他的汽车死了,女友离开了他,并且他度过了整个周末都把自己喝醉了。 为了给他的好友吉姆(J Lalonde)振作起来,将他拖到他们的同伴盖伊(Guy)遍布的乡间别墅举行的鸡尾酒会上,周围无处可走...除了一座废弃的墓地。 盖(格雷格·休威特)邀请了他认识的每个人...不幸的是,只有大约8到9个帅哥。 他们别无选择,只能喝一些令人费解的酒精,他们整夜都在喝酒。 早晨来了,令人头疼,还有昨晚聚会上的游手好闲的烦躁的米克森(约翰·特伦特),他要求开车回家,现在! 没电了,电话没电了,只是男孩们发现他们并不孤单...
