


主演:吉冈秀隆 石田百合子 

导演:佐佐部清 编剧:佐佐部清 Kiyoshi Sasabe/砂本量 Hakaru Sunamoto





Plot Summary:Dvorak's Symphony No. 9, "From the New World" wafts through a hospice recreation room. Sitting at the grand piano is a young girl, Chiori, with a prodigious ability to play any piece of music after one hearing. Kisaragi Keisuke whose career was abruptly cut short when he jumped in front of a bullet fired by a crazed gunman. The nerves in one hand were severed but he saved the life of Chiori. The tragic incident takes the lives of Chiori's parents, however, and Keisuke becomes her guardian. Not long after their return to Japan, Keisuke discovers Chiori's musical gift. Keisuke finds an extension of his dreams through Chiori as the two set about traveling the countryside, providing piano concerts for patients and residents of convalescent and nursing homes. Keisuke and Chiori are invited to play at a hospice for stroke victims located on a picturesque island in the Sea of Japan. They come at the invitation of Iwamura Mariko, a social worker who enjoys the consummate respect and adoration...
数年前的一次意外,令钢琴演奏者如月敬辅的左手受伤,从此不能弹琴,少女千织失去了家人变成孤儿。千织的脑部虽然有障碍,可是却是一个音乐天才。敬辅因此决定收养千织,并教授她弹琴。在敬辅的细心栽培下,千织已经成为一个出现的钢琴演奏者。某日,他们来到一间位于在小岛上的疗养院举行演奏会,而在疗养院等着他们的,正是在中学时代暗恋着敬辅的真理子。在这所疗养院中,敬辅、真理子和千织叁人共同经历了一个四天的奇迹…      《四日间之奇迹》改编自浅仓卓弥的同名小就,故事讲述失去了梦想的敬辅、失婚的真理子和天才少女千织叁人,共同经历了一个四天的奇迹,让他们明白爱是永远存在的。电影由《半自白》导演佐佐部清执导,《来自北国》吉冈秀隆、《解夏》石田百合子主演。
