
又名:Hanawake no yonshimai / The Hanawa Sisters

主演:观月亚理莎 吉濑美智子 川岛海荷 加藤成亮 贯地谷栞 远藤宪 

导演:今井夏木 编剧:柴门文 Fumi Saimon/清水友佳子/関えり香/泉澤陽子



日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【480p标清中文字幕】华和家四姐妹迅雷下载.2011.2.33gb.torrent



Plot Summary:Daigo Hanawa is a father who is popular with the ladies. He's married to Sachiko Hanawa, a girlish mom who loves her husband unconditionally. They have four daughters and, unlike their father, all have zero luck with the opposite sex. Eldest daughter Fujiko is a single career woman who works at a fashion magazine and is highly competitive. Second daughter Takemi is the black sheep of the family. She has been divorced two times and has three children. Third daughter Sakurako works at a wig factory and is on the lookout for a marriage minded man. She's easily swayed by others. Youngest daughter Ume is a 2nd year theater student at an art college. She is a late bloomer and has had no experience with falling in love.
华和家有四个姐妹,性格各不相同,职业也相差很大,但相同点在于四个姐妹的男人缘都不怎么好,面对惨痛的现状,四姐妹们依然奋勇直前。华和家的长女藤子(吉濑美智子 饰)至今还未结婚,在职场拼搏的她却迎来了事业上的麻烦事;美艳的次女竹美倒是万千男性瞩目的对象,结过2次婚的竹美(观月亚里莎 饰)独自抚养着3个孩子;三女樱子(贯地谷诗穗梨 饰)则是个缺乏主见的弱气女子,喜欢强势的男性,正在努力寻找真爱;幼女梅(川岛海荷 饰)仍在读大学,被三个姐姐从小使唤大的她对于恋爱完全没有想法,觉得这是件麻烦事。处于不同现状的四姐妹因为和不同人的邂逅,开始转变着想法……   本剧改编自知名漫画家柴门文的同名漫画,该作者的代表作有《东京爱情故事》、《爱情白皮书》等。
