莫罗事件Il caso Moro(1986)



主演:吉安·马里亚·沃隆特 马帝亚·史巴吉亚 布鲁诺·扎宁 Enr 

导演:Giuseppe Ferrara 编剧:罗伯特·卡茨 Robert Katz/Armenia Balducci





Plot Summary:On March 16th 1978, the Red Brigades kidnap Aldo Moro, the former Italian Prime Minister and the leader of Christian Democrats, the party in power in Italy since the end of the war. Fifty-five days later, his corpse was found in the centre of Rome in the trunk of a red Renault. Not only was Moro the victim of the brigadists but also of the struggle for power between the Italian political parties.
On March 16 1978, the Red Brigade kidnap the Chief of the Christian Democraty, the party in power in Italy since the end of the war. fifty-five days later, his corpse was found in the trunk of a red Renault. Moro was not only the victim of the brigadists but also of the struggle for power between the italian parties. Written by Jean-Marie Berthiaume
