La danse de mort(1948)


主演:埃里克·冯·施特罗海姆 Denise Vernac 帕洛  

导演:Marcel Cravenne 编剧:Michèle Arnaud/Jacques-Laurent Bost

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La danse de mort:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A sinister fortress on an island where the sun never seems to shine . An officer whose values have long gone a thing of the past .He commands that prison ,but he is more captive than any of his prisoners ,as free as a padlocked prison door.His love for his wife has turned slowly but inexorably into hatred.He makes desperate vain attempts to win her back ,but he is no longer the dashing officer with good prospects ,but an aging pitiful coward ;every time he tries to show his authority , when he speaks to his subalterns ,he actually wants to convince himself he is still a man of honor.
