

主演:东亚优 坂井真纪 铃木砂羽 塩谷瞬 佐野和真 

导演:タナダユキ 编剧:タナダユキ



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 红色文化住宅里的初子.akai.bunka.jutaku.no.hatsuko.日语.2007.dv



Plot Summary:15-year-old Hatsuko lives with her elder brother in a humble townhouse. Their mother died when they were young, and the father disappeared. The brother left high school before graduation to work at a factory, but spends their meager house-keeping money on adult entertainment. Hatsuko, who is poor and has no friends, finds emotional support in Mishima, a boy in her class, who helps her with her study to go to a high school together. However, Hatsuko's brother causes trouble at the factory and gets the sack. Hatsuko gives up her dream of going to high school. In spring, the modest relationship continues between Mishima, now a high school student, and Hatsuko who works at a biscuit factory. One day, Hatsuko's long-gone father reappears. In a drunken frenzy, he sets fire to the house to go and rejoin the mother, leaving Hatsuko without a place to live. Hatsuko leaves the town on her own, drawing strength from the promise of marriage with Mishima.
正值花季的中学三年级学生宇野初子(東亜優 饰)本该拥有幸福的童年,然而她的人生却充满了不幸。父亲(大杉漣 饰)早年失踪,母亲(鈴木砂羽 饰)辛苦支撑这个家,结果劳累而死。初子和哥哥克人(塩谷瞬 饰)委身濑户乡下一间普通公寓中,过着局促、贫穷的生活。偏偏克人还没拿出兄长的样子,他将辛苦打工挣来的钱扔进烟花场所,兄妹俩的生活雪上加霜。初子的同学三岛(佐野和真 饰)同情这个女孩的遭遇,他利于放学后的时间帮初子补习功课,并相约考取东高。然而为生计所迫的女孩,却不得不在学业和工作、生活和恋情中作出艰难而痛苦的选择……   本片根据松田洋子的漫画原著改编。
