Plot Summary:A dark and stormy night. Pluto is spirited away to the spooky mansion of an evil genius for a mad transplant scheme to put his head on the body of a chicken. Mickey gives chase, but find himself threatened severely by the house and its denizens.
狂风暴雨之夜,巨大的雷声惊醒酣睡的米老鼠(Walt Disney 沃尔特•迪斯尼 音),他发现宠物布鲁托被一个恐怖的黑衣人虏走。米老鼠顶着狂风一路追踪,历经千险终于来到黑衣人的城堡。他小心翼翼行走于城堡中,各种机关、灾难和恶灵逐一袭来。 原来黑衣人是一个疯狂的医生,他想通过外科手术将布鲁托和一只母鸡合体,然后生蛋孵出小狗。胆小的布鲁脱吓得浑身发抖。 米老鼠总算闯入实验室,却被固定在手术台上,面临被解剖的命运。他和布鲁托最终能否得救呢?