秦始皇The First Emperor of China(1989)

又名:Le premier empereur de Chine


主演:克里斯托弗·普卢默 周愫 

导演:托尼·安齐洛 刘浩学 编剧:王吉呈/刘云辉





Plot Summary:Qin Shihuang conquered six powerful warring states and, in 221 BC, declared himself emperor of all China. During his reign, he introduced sweeping reforms, built a vast network of roads and connected the Great Wall of China which to this day stretches over 2400 kilometers. The film includes the first documentary footage of Qin's life-sized terracotta army, constructed almost 2,200 years ago for his tomb. The imperial system he created has endured for thousands of years, proving to be the world's most durable political structure. From the inner sanctum of Emperor Qin's royal palace to fierce battles with feudal kings, this lavish historical drama re-creates the glory and the terror of the Qin Dynasty.
揭开秦始皇不为人知的秘密,耗资700万美元,拍摄五个月,难得一见。   其中有真实的纪录部分,观众可以亲眼目睹1947年西安秦始皇兵马俑地下陵墓及其发掘情形,7000个面貌不同、栩栩如生的陪葬品的兵马俑一一搬上镜头。
