贵人迷Le bourgeois gentilhomme(1982)


主演:米歇尔·加拉布吕 罗杰·科吉奥 罗茜·瓦尔特 卢德米拉·米卡 

导演:罗杰·科吉奥 编剧:罗热·科焦 Roger Coggio/莫里哀 Molière





Plot Summary:Monsieur Jourdain is the main character of the Bourgeois Gentilhomme de Molière. Drapier enriched, he is trained in increasingly ridiculous actions by his desire to transform himself into a "quality man". For this, he ensures the lessons of masters who, while deploring his lack of provisions, must recognize that it constitutes for them "a sweet rent". All the action is around the preparation and the representation of a ballet to offer "as a gift" to the Marquise Dorimène, whom Mr. Jourdain is courting, not for love, but for the title that it represents. The action ends with a triple marriage between Lucile (the daughter of Monsieur Jourdain) and Cléonte (her fiance), Dorimène and Dorante (the marquise and her suitor), and Nicole and Covielle (the servants). Monsieur Jourdain will attend, with all the company, the famous ballet that had been prepared.
家财万贯的汝尔丹一心想挤进贵族行列,过上流社会的生活。他附庸风雅,筹备晚会,面对艺术又总是夸富有,出尽洋相。他坚持要女儿嫁一位贵族,但女儿爱上了英俊的克莱翁特,遭汝尔丹阻挠。于是克莱翁特化妆成土耳其王子去求亲, 并赐汝尔丹爵位,使得汝尔丹欣喜若狂的把女儿嫁给了他……
