交通问题Traffic Troubles(1931)


主演:华特·迪士尼 玛塞丽特·加纳 

导演:Burt Gillett 





Plot Summary:Mickey is driving a taxi. His first fare is a very large gentleman. Mickey stops traffic and gets a tongue-lashing from the officer. The cab runs into some bad road, bounces the fare down to almost nothing, then bounces the customer right out of the cab. Mickey pulls up to the curb and picks up his second passenger, Minnie. She plays her accordion while they ride. The cab gets a flat tire, and Mickey uses a pig to pump it up. Snake oil salesman Pegleg Pete happens by and pours some of his elixir into the car; it takes off without him, crashes, loses its wheels, and lands on a cow. The cow takes off, crashes into a barn, and then a poultry shed.
喧嚣繁忙的大都市,大街小巷车水马龙,拥挤不堪。马路中央跑着一辆白色的出租车,司机米奇(沃尔特·迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)左右摇晃,四处招揽顾客。路边一位肥胖的客人招手,米奇以极其危险的方式突然横在路边,导致后面的车全部停下。胖客人好不容易挤上出租,而愤怒的警察冲了过来,对米奇一番呵斥。我们这位胆战的司机好不容易敷衍了警察迅速离开,偏偏一辆极其渺小的汽车越过所有车辆跑在前边,米奇和他展开了险象环生的飙车大赛。   而泥泞的道路上,又充满了无数艰难险阻。终于到达目的地,米奇又要载着米妮(玛西丽特·加纳 Marcellite Garner 配音)赶赴音乐课……
