往事之路Road of Bygones(2018)

主演:苏珊妮·萨德勒 阿斯特丽德• 欧瓦力 Oriana Oppi 

导演:阿斯特丽德• 欧瓦力 编剧:阿斯特丽德·欧瓦力 Astrid Ovalles





Plot Summary:A feature-length film that explores the relationship between three women. Bobbi and Samantha are estranged sisters who seek to reconnect after hearing of the loss of their mother, and Ally, a talented and peculiar character who is Bobbi's romantic partner. In an effort to find closure upon learning about their mother's sudden death, the three embark on a road trip that takes their relationship for a spin. "Stray" is a dark comedic drama that explores the beauty and possibilities of relationships between women who have renounced the expectation of having to adhere to the "norm."
母亲意外去世 两姐妹多年后相见 另带上妹妹的女友 开启了一段公路之旅~p.s 妹妹这对的生活情趣相当令人意外 同时姐妹之间的情谊也相当微妙
