银马不会来은마는 오지 않는다(1991)

又名:The Silver Stallion Will Never Come


主演:李惠淑 金宝延 全茂松 

导演:张吉秀 编剧:张吉秀 Kil-soo Chang/趙宰弘





Plot Summary:After landing operations, U.N. soldiers enter a village and violate Jeon-Rae. The villagers ostracize her but Jeon-Rae and her son Man-sik, struggle on in poverty. A U.S. military base is set up across the river and the prostitutes who service the soldiers set up a whore town nearby. At her wits end, Jeon-Rae seeks the advice of Yong Nyo and Soon-duk; two of the prostitutes. The Western cultural influence causes disorder to break out. The tension between the villagers and the whores reaches it's peak following the deaths of several village children. Will either side win the war between them? What will be left of the town? And will Jeon-Rae and Man-sik ever forgive being ostracized?
韩国战争当时的所在地江原道的某个小村庄里,自仁川登陆战之后驻进了联合国军,这些驻地美军强暴了一个独自养着儿子名叫言礼的女子,不幸的是言礼被美军强暴后一直受着村里人的指指点点忍气吞声过日子。面对命运的不公正言礼越来越感觉到未来的迷茫,于是来到了美军部队混在专做洋人生意的妓女堆里做起酒馆生意。   有一天,一个名叫龙女的妓女和言礼提议到顺德去一起做生意,言礼果断的拒绝了,可是随着村子里的人们对她越来越冷漠和越来越难操持的生计,言礼主动找到了龙女开始以美军为对象做起了了肉皮生意。随着言礼的堕落村里人越来越蔑视她,对立越来越鲜明。此时雪上加霜的是随着村子里的小孩子的死亡,原本平和小村庄渐渐成了悲剧的温床,暂时的休战结束,战争的阴影再次降临,人们渐渐的开始背景离乡……
