隐形的心The Invisible Heart(2018)



导演:Nadine Pequeneza 编剧:Nadine Pequeneza





Plot Summary:The relatively new concept of the Social Impact Bond (SIB) is presented. Rather than purely profit motivated as are most investments, SIBs have their financial backers investing in some sort of social good, with financial return on investment from some pre-established set of metrics measuring success, which are often in lieu of future opportunity costs if the program funded by the SIB was not undertaken. A hypothetical example would be investing in prevention of some negative health issue to avoid future costs to the health care system if that person indeed became ill from that health issue. The pros, cons and challenges of SIBs are presented, two of the major issues in that latter category being trying to find those common measures between solely social good versus financial good, and what happens to that social issue if it is purely driven by the profit motive. The one item that all would probably agree is that SIBs generally do not deal well or at all with the root causes of those ...
三百年前,亚当斯密提出自由市场里“隐形的手”;三百年后,《隐形的心》这部纪录片纪录了“社会影响债券”(Social Impact Bonds, SIBs )的诞生 —— 一款投资理财产品,旨在募集私有资金,用于支付社会服务。这个债券是是洛克菲勒基金会联合世界上最大的投行高盛,共同出品,在全球二十多个国家运营,有趣的是,这项事业所连接的人在通常意义上是截然相反的,比如社工vs华尔街投行,无家可归的流浪汉vs风险资本家,保守派vs自由派。   对比冲撞下的结合,也是本片有趣的看点之一。
