雾都杀人事件The Ripper(1997)


主演:Patrick Bergin Gabrielle Anwar 

导演:Janet Meyers 编剧:Robert Rodat





Plot Summary:In 1888, in London, a prostitute is slaughtered on the street. The Scotland Yard Chief Inspector Jim Hansen is in charge of the investigation and realizes that the killer is a person with skill in dissection. Hansen belongs to the lower class and aspires to socially climb. Soon there are other murders and the ex-prostitute Florry Lewis witnesses the killer killing a prostitute and is forced to go to the precinct to provide a lead to the Scotland Yard. Inspector Hansen assigns Sgt. Tommy Bell to protect Florry and he investigates the murder cases. Prince Albert Victor, who is the heir of the throne of England, becomes his prime suspect but his chief Sir Charles Warren tells that they need to have strong evidences against the prince to proceed the case. Sir Charles decides to use Florry as bait but Inspector Hansen has fallen in love with her and objects. But his chief makes clear that this is the only way to stop the ripper. What will Inspector Hansen do?
公元1888年,伦敦笼罩着一股寒栗的气氛,一连串史上最冷血的神秘杀人事件,使全市陷入恐慌,已经有多位妓女被残忍地杀害,凶手手法干净利落,人称”开膛手杰克”。由于受到皇室贵族施压,伦敦警方派出顶尖警探詹姆斯汉森(帕特里克·博金 Patrick Bergin 饰)调查此案,本案唯一的目击者是美丽的芙洛莉(加布里埃尔·安瓦尔 Gabrielle Anwar 饰),她是唯一逃过开膛手杰克毒手的幸存者,曾清楚地看到凶手的面孔。随着调查的进行,詹姆斯与芙洛莉坠入了情网,同时他赫然发现,最可疑的嫌犯居然是伦敦上流社会中的一名贵族,他不但享有特权,甚至还可以逃离法律制裁!如今,詹姆斯要如何阻止凶手再度下手,并保护他心爱的女人呢?
