
又名:让全世界都听见 / 中国版交响情人梦 / Cantabile Youth / Symphony's Romance

主演:林允 张新成 宁桓宇 宁理 方圆 史兆怡 刘倩文 陈景炀  






Plot Summary:A talented musician, Li Zhen Yi, had the world at his feet. With invitations to study abroad, under some of the greatest musical masters of the modern world, pouring in, Zhen Yi should have had no reservations about stepping out into a wider world. But the ghosts of his past refuse to let him go. Suffering from severe childhood trauma, Zhen Yi is trapped in a world of demons from which there is no escape. At least not until he meets Fang Xiao Wo. An extraordinarily gifted pianist, Xiao Wo possesses more talent than even Zhen Yi, but her odd behavior and weird personality don't exactly endear her to those around her. Despite her being such an oddity, Zhen Yi can't help but be a little intrigued by Xiao Wo, especially not when they share an unwavering passion for music. The two eventually begin to spend more time together and Zhen Yi slowly starts to find the courage to continue pursuing his own dreams. With Xiao Wo by his side, the wounds from Zhen Yi's past begin to heal, allowing him to dream like he's never dreamed before. Finally free from the ghosts of his past, Zhen Yi and Xiao Wo step bravely into a bright new future, together. ~ Adapted from the manga \"Nodame Cantabile\"
钢琴系优等生李臻言梦想着成为一名指挥家,但却因童年的阴影一直踟蹰不前。他在人生失意的时候与音乐怪才方小莴相遇,方小莴不受拘束、灵动纯粹的音乐风格,李臻言与她因音乐而产生了更深的羁绊与共鸣,由此慢慢敞开心扉,重燃对梦想的追求。同时,二人在同窗生活中也产生了爱情,成为 彼此的依靠,并在对方的支持和鼓励下直面内心的恐惧,一同踏上追求音乐和梦想的旅途......
