爱神历险Le mille-pattes fait des claquettes(1977)


主演:弗朗西斯·佩兰 罗歇·米尔蒙 让-雅克·莫罗 米歇尔·加拉布 

导演:让·吉罗 编剧:雅克·维尔弗里德 Jacques Vilfrid/Francis Rigaud/让·吉罗 Jean Girault



日期 资源名称
2022-03-09 le.mille-pattes.fait.des.claquettes.1977.french.10
2022-03-09 Le.mille-pattes.fait.des.claquettes.1977.FRENCH.10
2022-03-09 Le.mille-pattes.fait.des.claquettes.1977.FRENCH.10
日期 资源名称
2022-03-09 Le.mille-pattes.fait.des.claquettes.1977.FRENCH.WE



Plot Summary:May 1943, occupation. Goering has decided to transfer Milo's Venus from the Louvre to Berlin. Three young people, Francis (Roger Mirmont), Jacques (Francis Perrin) and Henri (Jean-Jacques Moreau) decide to thwart the plans of the German Marshal. Their goal is to remove the famous statue and hide it from Francis' uncle, Monsieur de Beaugency (Michel Galabru), who owns a castle in Brittany. They steal the Venus at the Louvre and arrive at the uncle's, not without having had trouble starting with French gendarmes, a German officer, the police of the two countries and even the Resistance, of which a network seizes the Venus believing that 'It is a case of parachuted weapons. At uncle's things are further complicated, the castle is occupied by a German general staff, and the statue is found in the car of an SS general. To take it back they disguise themselves as German soldiers but they are unmasked and chased. They however flee miraculously with their precious case and arrive, by chance, ...
一九四三年,德军侵占了法国,他们不仅肆意屠杀人民,还蓄意掠夺国宝。这天,两名德国军官来到了卢浮宫博物馆,准备将珍藏在这儿的爱神维纳斯运到德国去。三个爱国的小伙子亨利、雅克和弗朗西斯冒着生命危险,偷出了德军准备装箱运走的维纳斯。他们机智地与敌人周旋,经历了千辛万难,终于到达了爱德华叔叔家,不想房子里全是德国人。爱德华叔叔无奈的告诉他们,他的房子昨晚被德军征用了。他们只得把维纳斯暂时藏在爱德华叔叔的卧室里。谁知,一波未平一波又起,临睡前,德国将军强行霸占爱德华的卧室,三个小伙又冒险设计把维纳斯悄悄转移卧室。   爱神维纳斯经过一番充满惊险的旅行,终于完好的回到了法国人民手中。三个小伙子的英雄主义精神得到了戴高乐将军的亲自嘉奖。
