

主演:Manisha Koirala Nawab Shah Vin 

导演:Ujjal Chattopadhyaya 编剧:Ujjal Chattopadhyaya





Plot Summary:Sushmita and Jaanbaz live in India, and they are in love. They intend to marry, but Sushmita's family is strongly opposed to the marriage, since Jaanbaz is a Muslim and they are Hindus. But Sushmita and Jaanbaz do get married, and Jaanbaz takes her with him to his country--Afghanistan. On the way there, Sushmita is horrified to see mutilated corpses, bomb explosions, and armed militants. She is terrified and asks Jaanbaz to take her back, but Jaanbaz takes her to his home. Jaanbaz's family is delighted with Sushmita and welcomes her. But some members of his family regard her as a non-believer. Soon, Sushmita is given a Muslim name, Sayed Kamal and, later, gives birth to a baby girl. Sushmita's attempts to flee with her daughter are all in vain. Is she destined to live in a country where women have no rights, bear abuse all the time, and cannot even leave the threshold of their dwelling without a male escort? How can one woman and a child escape from the Taliban?
逃离塔利班是一个发生在阿富汗的真实的故事。年轻貌美的印度女孩Sushmita不顾一切地爱上了英俊的阿富汗男孩,为了能和心爱的人在一起,她放弃了祖国和家庭,只身随着他来到了他的家乡。之前,两人为幸福的生活描绘了甜蜜的蓝图,但是不久,Sushmita就发现来到阿富汗是她这生最大的错误。 两人甜蜜的梦想被严峻的现实所击破。在塔利班的统治下,妇女被认为是一种商品,她们的唯一职责就是哺育孩子。一开始,Sushmita为了他忍受着这一切。但是一个晚上,当她发现了她所深爱丈夫也只是把她作为一种商品。她的心碎了。她做出了大胆的决定,逃离塔利班,回到家乡……
