
又名:Queen Millennia


主演:潘惠子 户田惠子 永井一郎 小山茉美 麻上洋子 野岛昭生  

导演:明比正行 编剧:松本零士 Leiji Matsumoto/藤川桂介 Keisuke Fujikawa





Plot Summary:In the year 1999, astronomer Professor Amamori has discovered a tenth planet within the solar system. Unfortunately, he also discovers that it is set to collide with the Earth on 9 September 1999, at 9:09:09 AM. Professor Amamori makes preparations to save the planet, aided in his campaign by his nephew Hajime and his secretary Yukino Yayoi. Unknown to anyone, Yayoi harbours deep secrets: LaMetal crosses paths with Earth (and wreaks chaos) every millennium, it is home to an advanced civilization who enslave any human survivors of the cataclysm, and she herself is the Millennial Queen, a special citizen of La Metal who comes to Earth every 1000 years to prepare for the this passing. However, she also hopes to save Earth, for though she is from LaMetal, she cannot stand aside and let her home world destroy the planet and its natives that she has come to love. And so she begins a desperate struggle of her own.
千年一度的春天到来,在地球担任女王的雪野弥生(潘惠子 配音)接到了来自拉美达路的消息,新的女王即将到来取代她的位置。虽然思念相隔已有千年之久的恋人,然而弥生不愿人类受到异星人的钳制,她拒绝了母星的指令。在此之后,拉美达路出现异状,该星球正以无可挽回的速度向地球重来,在180天后即将与这颗蓝色星球相撞。雨森博士和雨森始(户田惠子 配音)从古老的埃及文献中找到关于千年女王的记载,这令他们燃起拯救世界的希望。伴随着拉美达路的接近,星球上的沉睡者相继醒来。是毁灭,还是新生,冲撞在即,每个人都面临着最严峻的选择。   本片根据科幻漫画家松本零士的同名原作改编。
