疯狂女贼劫赌城Las Vegas Lady(1975)


主演:斯黛拉·斯蒂文斯 斯图尔特·惠特曼 乔治·第桑佐 约瑟夫·德 

导演:Noel Nosseck 编剧:Walter Dallenbach





Plot Summary:In Las Vegas, Lucky and two of her girlfriends, Carol and Lisa, plan to steal half a million dollars from the sadistic manager of the Circus Circus Casino. A shadowy man is their contact and organizer. Each of the women could be a weak link in a scheme that has to be flawless: Lucky's boyfriend is a security officer at the casino, Lisa is a trapeze artist who's now plagued with vertigo, and Carol is in debt to a nasty thug - plus, as a Black woman, she's subject to additional harassment. Can the gals pull off the heist, or is the plan, with it's mysterious organizer, too complicated to succeed?
