When a Feller Needs a Friend(1932)

又名:When a Fellow Needs a Friend


主演:杰基·库珀 Charles 'Chic' Sale 拉尔夫· 

导演:哈里·A·波拉德 编剧:弗兰克·巴特勒 Frank Butler/William Johnston/Sylvia Thalberg

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When a Feller Needs a Friend:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Eddie wears a leg brace and his mother will not let him play like the other boys. His hope is that a German doctor will be able to operate and fix his leg. When his cousin Froggie comes to live with his family, he is nice to Mr. and Mrs. Randall, but mean to Eddie. Uncle Jonas sees what is happening, but Eddie's parents do not believe him as Froggie seems so nice. Uncle Jonas tries to make Eddie tougher by teaching him boxing and baseball, but all it does is get Jonas thrown out of the house.
