每一次当...我就坠入爱河并相信会天长地久Cada vez que...(1968)

又名:Cada vez que.. estoy enamorada creo que es para siempre / Each Time That...



导演:Carlos Durán 编剧:Carlos Durán/Joaquim Jordà





Plot Summary:A black and white playful capricious love story set in the modeling world of Barcelona in the 60's. The beautiful but engaged model falls in love with an outsider. She interrogates him about love in an endless and original dialogue during which they get closer and closer. His answers surprise her in a positive way, since they agree that all social limitations and ideas about love are a human misconception. Their outside world is set in smokey clubs, outgoing beautiful, freeminded people, uninhibited by the social norms in Spain in those days. Perfectly styles with dresses from Courège, this movie is also an ode to fashion and Gaudí. Hip, arty, sixties, rock Inspired by the Nouvelle Vague in a cheerful way. Sometimes the mainly black and white film gets interrupted with full color fragments for example when ADAM GRUP the Spanish answer to the Beatles plays a full length clip on the beach. This movie stands as a hallmark for the well known Barcelona School of film. Besides telling the ...
典型的60年代欧洲先锋电影,现在看稍微有些怀旧感,但却不失新潮和创意,结合了戈达尔式的跳跃剪辑与威廉-克莱因的流行文化风格,推荐。上世纪60年代正值加泰罗尼亚历经现代化的时期,消费主义当然也渗透进入艺术领域。Carlos Duran的《Cada vez que...estoy enamorado creo que es para siempre》(每一次当...我就坠入爱河并且相信会天长地久)正是一部拥有强烈“流行杂志风格”的实验电影。时装模特儿在现代感强烈的高第奎尔公园(Park Guell)走秀,一旁还有摇滚乐团正在演唱美国歌曲。一般认为,巴派电影过于追求形式,缺乏深度,但是在看似恋物的表面下,嘲讽式的反省却从来不曾少过。「全球化脉络下的巴塞隆纳电影运动」   轉自:auess
