Plot Summary:Im Seung Hee (Lee Young Ah) scribbles her days away in hopes of becoming a drama writer, but there are a few things holding her back from her big break: specifically, she's broke and lives off of unemployment benefits. Things get tricky when Seung Hee's first love, Kim Jong Dae (Nam Goong Min), ends up working at the benefit office, but this embarrassing encounter just may turn out to be the story of a lifetime. While it may seem that the trouble with being a writer is being a paid one, Seung Hee needs to learn a thing or two about the biggest hurdle of all: living a love story worth telling.
金炳万,林元熙,金桐俊,李英雅,黄善熙,奉太奎,徐夏俊,温流,吴钟赫,李玟雨,裴胜载,强仁,韩相赫,艺智苑,朴辉顺,姜志燮,金承秀,安丹尼尔,金宥真,朴正哲,刘潭,李起光,黄子韬,金泰宇,权伍中,郑斗洪,李载允,金奎丽,Dana,任昌丁,郑满植,李泰林,李昶旻,徐智锡,張東雨,陸鐘完,Sam Okyere,孫浩俊,車善瑀,Samuel Hammington,尹世雅,趙東赫,李成宰,朴炯植,徐仁國,金鍾旼,林智妍,張水院,Raymon Kim