Plot Summary:Ramona is the mistress of three wealthy men - Pepe, Gonzalo and Rafa. Ramona is happy because she lives an easy existence, but everything changes when she falls in love with Enrique. Now she has to choose between an easy life or the love.
何塞·萨克里斯坦,克里斯蒂娜·马尔西利亚奇,梅塞德斯·桑比特罗,Fernando Vivanco,恩里克·圣弗兰西斯科,Marta Fernández Muro,路易斯·西赫斯,José G. de Castrillón,Isabel Sánchez,Catalina Freire,Gloria Núñez,José Antonio Fernández,Francesc Nel·lo,Andreu Martín,Diego Caretti