Plot Summary:Watters' old romantic rival checks into the hospital in need of a heart transplant. When a heart finally arrives, Austin performs the transplant against her will, believing that the wealthy patient bribed the donor family. Aaron and McNeil work together to help a man with a rare disease that is causing his muscles to contract. Wilkes is affected when a gang member violently shoots up the ER. Billy officially asks Diane to marry him. It's mentioned that Nyland is gone, it doesn't say how or why.
阿什丽·格林尼,埃克托尔·埃利松多,大卫·亨瑞,彼得·亚当奇克,维罗妮卡·罗萨蒂,布里德基·萨蒂纳,贾斯汀·沉卡罗,理查德·埃帕卡,柯克·桑顿,伊尔琳·菲茨杰拉德,斯蒂尔·加尼翁,苏珊·艾萨克斯,雷巴·布尔,卡伦·麦卡锡,贡纳·赛兹莫尔,戴维斯·德斯蒙德,Joshua Carlon,Ezra Weisz,Ryan Fox