天罗地网I Was a Shoplifter(1950)


主演:斯科特·布兰迪 莫娜·弗里曼 安德丽·金 托尼·柯蒂斯 查尔 

导演:查尔斯·拉蒙特 编剧:Irwin Gielgud





Plot Summary:Police detective sergeant Jeff Andrews is working on a case involving a gang of shoplifters, and he allows himself to falsely arrested as a petty thief, in order to make contact with the gang. Meanwhile, Faye Burton, a petty shoplifter and the daughter of a prominent judge, is blackmailed by the gang into joining them on the promise that they will get back a confession signed when she was caught by a department store detective, who had her sign the document rather than calling the police. It takes Jeff and Faye a lot longer to figure out who is the 'brains' behind the shoplifting gang than it does the audience, and the audience has less information than they do.
In 1950s California, the police tries to infiltrate and neutralize a shoplifting crime ring operating in major department stores.
