战争与爱情In Love and War(1958)


主演:罗伯特·瓦格纳 达娜·温特 杰弗里·亨特 霍普·兰格 布拉福 

导演:菲利普·邓恩 编剧:Anton Myrer





Plot Summary:Three Marines take shore leave in San Francisco during World War II. Frankie O'Neill visits his lower-class dysfunctional family; Nico Kantaylis visits his pregnant fiancée; and the upper-class Alan Newcombe visits his high-living playgirl girlfriend. Each must decide whether to make the best of his situation or break out of it. O'Neill drowns his troubles in alcohol, losing the respect of a potential lover; Kantaylis marries his fiancée, but realizes he may not survive the war to see his child; while Newcombe sheds his decadent girlfriend for a pure-hearted Hawaiian nurse. Later, in battle, a heroic act costs one of the Marines his life.
剧情: 根据安东Myrer小说《大战争》改编。 三位年轻的旧金山居民,在二战爆发后,加入了海军陆战队,他们加入了海军陆战队的目的各不相同,其中一名男子的是狂热的爱国者,入伍是为了保卫自己祖国。第二个是一名常年混日子的青年,因为无所事事想换个环境。第三人是一名生活在富裕家庭的青年,入伍是为了在富有的父亲面前证明自己的价值。他们在艰苦的战斗磨炼了自己,同时也收获了爱情...
