
又名:帅哥医生 / Say hello to BLACK JACK

主演:妻夫木聪 铃木京香 加藤浩次 杉本哲太 三浦友和 国仲凉子 

导演:平野俊一 三城真一 山室大辅 编剧:后藤法子





Plot Summary:Saito Eijiro is a graduate of the prestigious Eidai Medical School and is sent to Eidai Hospital as a trainee doctor. There, under the supervision of Dr. Shiratori at the surgery department, Eijiro trains hard with Dekune and Munekata. But all they seem to do is take care of menial work for low hours and low pay. So low in fact bad that they have to do part-time work at other hospitals just to make ends meet. Eijiro picks Seido Hospital, run by Dr. Hattori, for his part-time job. The surgery is like a battleground. Eijiro is very impressed by his senior Dr. Ushida and the nurse Kaori. But one night, when he is on duty, Eijiro runs from the surgery leaving a badly injured patient behind. It is the story of an intern doctor and the various problems and contradictions of the medical industry.
阳光帅气的齐藤英二郎(妻夫木聪 饰)结束了名门学府永禄大学医学系的学业,和同期出久根邦弥(加藤浩次 饰)以精英的身份留在永大医院实习。但现实与理想有着巨大的差距,他每天工作超过16个小时,报酬却低的可怜。为此英二郎工作之余跑到另一家医院兼职。见惯了医疗界丑恶一面,齐藤却无法做出彻底的改变,更错过了好不容易得到的手术机会,由此导致护士赤城香织(铃木京香 饰)离职。几经周折,齐藤总算重新打起精神,他周转于内科、NICU、急诊室,在顶住各种不正常现象所带来的压力的同时,全心全意奔走在救助病患的道路上,只为践行一名医者的良心……   本片根据佐藤秀峰的漫画改编。
